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Deadman Anchoring System

Highland Tank's Deadman Anchoring System is designed to secure tanks, separators, and interceptors in underground installations.

Complete Fuel Dispensing Systems

Gas and diesel fuel dispensing packages that include tanks, pumps and all components to install a complete system. Platform and…

Compartment Tank

Compartment Tanks are designed to store multiple grades of product, or different types of products, in the same tank. This…

Overfill Containment Chamber

Overfill protection containment chambers with or without locking lids and customized to meet your needs are available.  A small hand…

Leak & Level Sensors

Leaks are prevented by a wide variety of sensors used to detect leaks or liquid levels.

Field Adjustable Manways

Stackable adjustable manways are avilable in 24" diameter, 38" high with lid, safety screen and access ports. Multiple size sections…

Concrete Deadmen Anchors

Deadmen Anchors help secure underground tanks at installations where there is potential for high water. They are designed to be…

Polyester Hold-Down Straps

Designed to work with Highland's Concrete Deadmen Anchors, they help secure tanks in areas where high water levels may result in flotation.…

Grade Level Manways

Designed to AASHTO H20 requirements, each manway is constructed of A36 steel plate from 10 ga. to 1/4" thick with…

Steel Hold-Down Straps

These are designed to secure tanks in areas where high water levels may result in flotation.  Hold-Down Straps are available…

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